Did something happen to asmallorange?


Well-known member
I have a small website hosted on an asmallorange shared hosting plan. This morning, my site returns 404 error pages.

I tried visiting asmallorange.com home page and it redirects to web.com

Did they get hacked? Did they get bought out? I can't find any news about them and they never communicated anything about a change of ownership.
Looks to me, based on the landing page, that it's a legit partnership. I'm surprised it wasn't communicated to you and, even more surprised, that your site is offline.

That page does say you can log in, though, I'm assuming with your ASmallOrange credentials.

I'd expect you'll be able to find more answers there if you log in.
That page does say you can log in, though, I'm assuming with your ASmallOrange credentials.
I'd expect you'll be able to find more answers there if you log in.

Absent some confirmation that company was acquired and the site wasn't hacked, I'm hesitant to put my log in credentials there.
Use "password reset" to see if your credentials are in their db - if are, then nothing to lose...
I bit the bullet and logged in to the customer.asmallorange.com portal. I can see my billing history (all paid up) and my support ticket history. I can not, however, submit a new support ticket (no departments available to select) and the "My Domains" section says I don't have any domains on my account any more. Something is definitely messed up on their end. I managed to reply to an old support ticket. Hopefully there are still people there to respond to it...
I'd suspect everything is legit and that they're just having issues with the merger, or whatever it is they're doing. In order for it to be a hack, both their website and web.com would have to be hacked. Not saying that couldn't be the case. I just wouldn't suspect it.
Then it sounds like it's just a domain issue - registrar, nameservers, or DNS.

Is the host also the registrar?
Thank goodness tech support answered my support ticket. I still don't know why I can't start a new support ticket, but it turns out they upgraded the php (and who knows what else) environment on the server (without any warning to us customers) and it apparently broke my site. This is a simple brochure site with very minimal php code so I expect to have it working again soon.
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