Lack of interest [Developer Tool] Make the regex in getMentionsBbCode extendable

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DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
I am working on an addon to, among other things, allow @ mentions for user groups. In the case where a user's name and user group name is very similar (e.g. a user called Vet and a user group called Veteran) conflicts can occur because we cannot add new BBCode to the exclusion list.

This issue can be easily avoided by changing this line
to this
'#\[(' . $this->getBbCodeStopList() . ')(=[^\]]*)?](.*)\[/\\1]#siU'
then adding this function
    protected function getBbCodeStopList()
        return 'code|php|html|plain|media|url|img|user|quote';

With this simple change, addons can easily override this list, and you would also be making some small amount of progress on the TODO comment above the placeholder regex since you yourself can expand on that function in future updates :)

Thanks for considering :)

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