Demo site for Game Server addon?


Thinking of changing to Xenforo, as I have heard a lot of good things about it. Before I spend $200 for the forum software and addons I will need, I would like to be able to see them actually working first.

I like the forum layout, and the Xenporta looks pretty sweet as well. I would like to know if anyone has the game server addon installed and working with their servers, so I can see what it actually looks like, functioning. I would also like to see it functioning as a block on the front Xenporta page. I am happy to see it is using the GameQ protocol, as I am familiar with that. Just need to see if it is what I am looking for out of the box, or will I need to modify the code to meet my needs.

So any links to sites that have this game server addon functional, would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Thank you Icewolf. Looks nice on your site. Is there an expanded view for the plugin? Looking for something along the lines of the links below. Currently I use LGSL on our site and really like the way it works, and its layout. I also like GameQ protocol layout, and got a plugin for myBB working really well for my servers, that use GameQ. I just need to ditch this e107 as it is pretty much abandoned, and despite my best efforts can not keep the spam away. myBB is a bit convoluted and you seem to need to be an expert in html to make anything work. e107 is simple plug and play, and that is really what I am hoping for.

Thanks again.
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