XF 2.2 delete a user and delete him from everywhere


Well-known member
Is there a nice function to send a table_name and condition to delete {something} for this user_id
when a user is deleted?

table_id, color_id, user_id

delete from example where user_id = ?
Code event listeners -> user_delete_clean_init

    public static function userDeleteCleanInit(\XF\Service\User\DeleteCleanUp $deleteService, array &$deletes)
        $deletes['xf_your_table_name'] = ['user_id = ?'];

// or if more than one user_id is stored in your table
    public static function userDeleteCleanInit(\XF\Service\User\DeleteCleanUp $deleteService, array &$deletes)
        $deletes['xf_your_table_name'] = ['user_id = ?', 'other_user_id = ?'];
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