define php variables upon account creation and run


i got this script to issue commands to my server remotely,
How would i get this to define $xenusr as the username being registered

i want this script to run upon the successful creation of a new account.


// Send a command
var_dump($r->mcRconCommand('cp give '$xenusr' 1 '));

Working code:

// Extend the rcon class to tweak it for minecraft.
class minecraftRcon extends rcon {
function mcSendCommand($Command) {
function mcRconCommand($Command) {
$ret = $this->Read();
return $ret[$this->_Id]['S1'];
// Server connection varialbes
$server = "";
$rconPort = 123456;
$rconPass = "PASSWORD";
// Connect to the server
$r = new minecraftRcon($server, $rconPort, $rconPass);
// Authenticate, and if so, execute command(s)
if ( $r->Auth() ) {
echo "Authenticated\n";

// Send a command
var_dump($r->mcRconCommand('say Hello World!'));
i want this script to run upon the successful creation of a new account.

You can do that by creating an addon to extend this function:


That will allow you to execute your own PHP code when a new user registers.

Or you can edit the file directly if you aren't comfortable with the addon system. But a file edit is lost when you upgrade, unlike an addon.

You can do that by creating an addon to extend this function:


That will allow you to execute your own PHP code when a new user registers.

Or you can edit the file directly if you aren't comfortable with the addon system. But a file edit is lost when you upgrade, unlike an addon.


How would i make the registration process auth a username as to first askthem their desired username then associate a small auth string and send it to the game server as a msg

var_dump($r->mcRconCommand('msg $user Enter $auth to activate your username!'));

like if i make a new account "alobot" and hit next it does
var_dump($r->mcRconCommand('msg alobot Enter DF3GE to activate your username!'));

Then it will prompt them to enter the correct auth string before they can add the rest of the information and email verification.
I have actully decided to make a plugin for the game server that will register player usernames and issue them a code in game and save it to a db
then my xenforo site can just verify to the db values :D
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