XF 2.0 Default Time Zone


Active member
Stupid question, is there any other place that a default time zone needs to be (or can be) changed besides Setup --> Options --> Basic Board Info --> Guests' time zone?? I'm not looking for individual users, just the default.

My issue is that the time showing for when posts were made is clearly wrong. I live in the central time zone in the US. So I picked the UTC -06:00 Central. However, when I see posts that I know where done during the afternoon, the times showing for the posts are like 3:00am. I checked in WHM to see if the time was set right for my VPS,


It is.

I cannot find anything in cPanel for my actual domain that allows me to set a server time.

What am I missing?

The ONE place I never looked was in my own user preferences! When I installed XF2 and set the timezone, I did not think about it not setting it the same in my preferences. I figured it would match what I did in the install or be pulled over from the migration of vB user accounts when I switched to XF2. Well... it didn't, and it was about 6 hours off. Now it works...
Thanks for posting your solution @tourmeister! I was just having the exact same problem! I too figured it would just default to whatever the server time was. And weird though that for registered members it picks up the right time automatically but for me as the admin it didn't.
I didn't know that. I would prefer for guests to have their local time as opposed to a preset forum timezone.
i second this. there doesn't appear to be any setting that makes times relative/automatically "catch" a guests' timezone, which looks bad for activity on forums with guests that are not in PST/Pacific Standard.

I am in the PST, but looked at my site through incognito and all the threads say "yesterday" because the default (per another admin) is CST.
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