XF 2.2 data-xf-click on xf:toggle fires multiple times


Active member
So I've a data-xf-click defined on a xf:toggle inside a loop.
<xf:foreach loop="$data" value="$obj">
    <xf:toggle name="abc[]" data-xf-click="foo" value="{{$obj.sys_id}}" />

And the javascript is as follows:
var AsprinFB = window.AsprinFB || {};

/** @param {jQuery} $ */
!(function($, window, document, _undefined) {
    'use strict';
    AsprinFB.ClickHandler = XF.Click.newHandler({
        eventType: 'click',
        eventNameSpace: 'AsprinFBClickHandler',  
        init: function() {    

        click: function(event) {                              

    XF.Click.register('foo', 'AsprinFB.ClickHandler');
})(jQuery, window, document);

Now when I click on a checkbox, this is what the console looks like:

So initialised runs 2 times and click 4 times. Is there a way to prevent them from firing multiple times on the first click?
Normally you wouldn't attack a click handler to the <xf:toggle> tag. Instead, the submit="true" attribute is used to tell XenForo to submit the form it's in when it's toggled. So unless you need a special click handler to fire when it's clicked (but not necessarily changed), I wouldn't use one.

<xf:toggle name="abc[]" value="{{$obj.sys_id}}" submit="true" />
Normally you wouldn't attack a click handler to the <xf:toggle> tag. Instead, the submit="true" attribute is used to tell XenForo to submit the form it's in when it's toggled. So unless you need a special click handler to fire when it's clicked (but not necessarily changed), I wouldn't use one.

<xf:toggle name="abc[]" value="{{$obj.sys_id}}" submit="true" />
That's true. I do have to do something when the checkbox gets checked (but not trigger a form submit), so can't use the submit attribute. Guess I'll simply replace it with the HTML that the tag generates and try attaching the event to the checkbox itself.
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