
Darkstyle Version 1.5.2

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xavimtz submitted a new resource:

Darkstyle - Nice easy reading dark style

Darkstyle is a simple style which I made. Very basic.

Nice easy reading dark style

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  • YOU the reader are free to share this everywhere and anywhere.
  • YOU the reader are free to re-use and make your own style.


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Hi there, was uploading a new style I am running 1.2.5
The styles I try are 1.2 and up the one that is giving error says 1.3.o beta 2 I was told by members
the 1.3 DarkStyle would work.
I get the error.
PAGE_CONTAINER Custom Version: 1.2.1, Parent Version: 1.2.4
Merging wont work, says Manual edit which I do not even have clue without messing it up.
Directions I have found so far are not clear.

Help appreciated.
Hi, love the style, but any way to get it full width? I'm running in full HD and there are huge gaps on either side. Can it be made to fluid instead of fixed? Thanks!!
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