I've got a template with the following;
Which is handled by a class extension for 'XF\Template\Templater'
It should just return a string of the converted steamID however I get the following error
When I {{ dump(phx_steamauth_steamid32($providerData.provider_key) }} I get this weird array
I've got a template with the following;
Which is handled by a class extension for 'XF\Template\Templater'
namespace Phoenix\SteamAuth\XF\Template;
use XF\Entity\User;
class Templater extends XFCP_Templater
public function addFunctions(array $functions)
$functions['phx_steamauth_steamid32'] = '_getsteamid32';
$functions['phx_steamauth_steamid64'] = '_getsteamid64';
return parent::addFunctions($functions);
function _getsteamid32($id)
if (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) >= 16)
$z = bcdiv(bcsub($id, '76561197960265728'), '2');
elseif (is_numeric($id))
$z = bcdiv($id, '2'); // Actually new User ID format
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
$y = bcmod($id, '2');
$id = 'STEAM_0:' . $y . ':' . floor($z);
return array($id);
function _getsteamid64($id)
if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id))
$parts = explode(':', $id);
return bcadd(bcadd(bcmul($parts[2], '2'), '76561197960265728'), $parts[1]);
elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16)
return bcadd($id, '76561197960265728');
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
It should just return a string of the converted steamID however I get the following error
- Template public:connected_account_associated_steam: Object of class Phoenix\SteamAuth\XF\Template\Templater could not be converted to string (src/XF.php:930)
When I {{ dump(phx_steamauth_steamid32($providerData.provider_key) }} I get this weird array
Templater {#305 ▼
#uix_uploadable_style_properties: array:7 [▶]
#uix_materialColors: array:96 [▶]
#app: App {#2 ▶}
#router: Router {#309 ▶}
#routerType: null
#pather: Closure {#307 ▶}
#jsBaseUrl: "js"
#language: Language {#218 ▶}