Fixed Custom Policy/Terms URL doesn't bypass acceptance


Well-known member
Affected version
When we set a custom privacy policy or terms URL, we expect \XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController::canBypassPolicyAcceptance handles this automatically. In fact, at first glance, it looks like it will. However, when clicking the link to open the custom policy (as any user wanting to read the policy before accepting it), XenForo just redirects back to the acceptance form. Even if I explicitly list the routePath in the appropriate whitelist, XenForo just redirects back to the acceptance form. The problem is in the following logic:
		$whitelistRoutePaths[] = $request->getRoutePathFromUrl($policyUrl);
		$whitelistRoutePaths = array_map(function($routePath)
			return rtrim($routePath, '/') . '/';
		}, $whitelistRoutePaths);

		$requestRoutePath = $request->getRoutePathFromUrl($requestUri);

		return in_array($requestRoutePath, $whitelistRoutePaths, true);
Here, you see that the whitelist goes through each entry, including the custom policy URL, and makes sure it ends with a trailing /
However, then we compare the current routePath, without also ensuring that it ends with a trailing /
So when the actual custom URL actually doesn't end in a trailing /, then this rule never matches.

There are several ways to fix this issue:
- Exempt the custom policy URL from the array_map that adds a trailing / (not ideal, since other whitelist entries could potentially share this problem too):
		$whitelistRoutePaths = array_map(function($routePath)
			return rtrim($routePath, '/') . '/';
		}, $whitelistRoutePaths);
		$whitelistRoutePaths[] = $request->getRoutePathFromUrl($policyUrl);
- Only add a trailing / if one was removed by rtrim (* probably best):
$newPath = rtrim($routePath, '/');
if (substr($newPath, -1) != substr($routePath, -1))
$newPath .= '/';
return $newPath;
- Add a trailing / to the $requestRoutePath before comparing:
$requestRoutePath = rtrim($request->getRoutePathFromUrl($requestUri), '/') . '/';
For the time being I have implemented the last option as a fix on my site.
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.2.9).

Change log:
Fix route normalization in policy acceptance bypass check
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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