Custom Development Request: "Parse" Attachments (ofc paid)


Hey there,

I am looking for an experienced Xenforo Developer for my custom request.
We are running a medium sized RTS Forum with XF 2.1 and we used to have a replay parser in our old vb infrastructure, that is of course but unfortunately no longer usable in XF.

What's the requirement?

We want our users to attach their replay files to their posts. These replay-files are in fact text files, where some specific information are stored. (who playd against whom, wich game was played, which map etc.pp.)

These information shall now be put out to the posting in a nice formatted way. With an image for the map played, the name of the players and their selected factions etc.

The classes/functions to evaluate/parse these textfiles can be found in different languages/implementations in c++ in php in delphi

Maingoal: Whats the task?

We need someone to implement these given classes to automatically parse the appropriate files (by file extension) into a formatted output within the post in xenforo.

Bonus Task: What'd be even better?

Creation some sort of database with these uploaded replays, where I can find/sort them quickly by game, mode, map, uploader or player.
BUT THIS IS OPTIONAL if the task above is done and running smoothly :)

We are a small project but of course no one wants to work for free, so we will pay you.
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