XF 1.5 custom bb code


Active member

I want to embed this code into a forum post so the quiz displays:

<div class="apester-media" data-media-id="59b848117e0d360001cd7bb" height="602"></div><script async src="//static.apester.com/js/sdk/v2.0/apester-javascript-sdk.min.js"></script>

I contact support who said I need to create a bb code. Which I have done here?


Have I done this right? And if so how do I then embed this into a post? Is it:

Many thanks
Thanks Andy. Do you mean this:

<div class="apester-media" data-media-id="59b848117e0d360001cd7bb" height="602"></div><script async src="//static.apester.com/js/sdk/v2.0/apester-javascript-sdk.min.js"></script>
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