Custom article pages


New member
I am thinking of switching from VB 4.2 to XenForo.

1. My site has a custom front page and an article section. Can these be built using XF or should I install Wordpress for the articles? What XF add-ons are there to make custom pages?

2. Can import scripts also take care of 301 redirects from old vBulletin urls to new Xenforo thread urls? This is for SEO purposes.
You can build custom pages with the Nodes system, then just hide them from appearing as forum links, and create a custom menu list. But I think that's only accessible to Admins in terms of updating/creating these pages.

If you want something open to all members, you could consider the Xenforo Resouce Manager available as a paid addon on the License purchase. The description does say: This is an add-on that allows you to manage files, downloads, and article-like content within your community

More info here:
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