XF 1.2 Curiosity Killed the Cat


Well-known member
See what I did there?

Anyway, I've noticed something interesting: When you're viewing a thread, your location will be "Viewing thread Cats and Dogs" -- that much is obvious. However, this is where it gets interesting: If I posted in that thread and then choose to edit my post and I click More Options to go the advanced editor, if I look at my profile, my location will just be "Viewing thread."

Why is this?

Note: This is on any version, but I had to choose one.
Your activity is updated when you click edit thread to be editing a post, which is theoretically in a "thread." You lose the thread relationship once its updated. It should return back to a named thread once you click save.
Your activity is updated when you click edit thread to be editing a post, which is theoretically in a "thread." You lose the thread relationship once its updated. It should return back to a named thread once you click save.

Indeed, that is what happens after saving.

Maybe some more phrases could be added to make that more clear (e.g., Modifying Message Cats and Dogs). I actually suggested that here, but it looks like it was overseen.
You suggested that during a feature locked phase of XenForo, it will be evaluated by the developers for inclusion in future releases like all the other suggestions.
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