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frm submitted a new resource:
CTA Blinking Log In / Register Buttons - A call to action for smaller view ports blink the Log In button while larger the Register button.
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CTA Blinking Log In / Register Buttons - A call to action for smaller view ports blink the Log In button while larger the Register button.
Create a very simple, yet effective, call to action button that will flash your "Log In" button to smaller viewports, which hide the "Register" link, and then swap it with the "Register" button in larger viewports when it becomes visible.
Add the following code to your extra.less template:
CSS:@media screen and (max-width: 373px) { .p-navgroup-link.p-navgroup-link--logIn { -webkit-animation: blinkReg 1s infinite; /* Safari 4+ */ -moz-animation: blinkReg 1s infinite...
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