CSS Highlight While Hovering Over Message

CSS Highlight While Hovering Over Message


Well-known member
The8thLegion submitted a new resource:

CSS Highlight While Hovering Over Message (version 1.0) - Highlight topics with your mouse.

This edit highlights thread topics, conversations, search results and some other stuff. I have poor vision so this might come in handy for others who have bad vision too. Credit goes to Jake Bunce and Brogan, originally posted here. Create your own highlight css color here: http://html-color-codes.info/

Add to EXTRA.css

.nodeList .nodeInfo:hover,...

Read more about this resource...

Nice mod, screenshots for this and your other recents mods would be great though, otherwise unsure of what it looks like, cheers
Pity you can't seem to stop this from changing the hover colour of the category bar on forum home-page also using this very easy method doing this. They seem linked together using the same class. Also, just a tip here. Your better not using CSS colour as.

background-color: #fafafa;

Instead, keep with using XenForo method of picking colours.

background-color: @primaryLightest;

Reason being, if at some point you change your themes colours using colour picker, that would change automatically to match. Using #fafafa means you'll always have to keep going back into EXTRA.css editing that colour manually to suit any theme colour changes.
Pity you can't seem to stop this from changing the hover colour of the category bar on forum home-page also using this very easy method doing this. They seem linked together using the same class. Also, just a tip here. Your better not using CSS colour as.

Instead, keep with using XenForo method of picking colours.

Reason being, if at some point you change your themes colours using colour picker, that would change automatically to match. Using #fafafa means you'll always have to keep going back into EXTRA.css editing that colour manually to suit any theme colour changes.
Doesn't matter. I don't even use that code for my site. My site is transparent, so I use a transparent png file.

.nodeList .nodeInfo:hover, .discussionList .discussionListItem:hover, .discussionListItem:hover .posterAvatar, .discussionListItem:hover .stats, .searchResults .searchResult:hover, .profileContent .searchResult:hover
background: url(images/bg/message.png) repeat;
That's odd, you just quoted me and the code is missing I posted in my message from your quote.

Fair enough, was just meaning generally speaking for people picking colours.
That's odd, you just quoted me and the code is missing I posted in my message from your quote.

Fair enough, was just meaning generally speaking for people picking colours.
Maybe it's because codes are supposed to go inside [ code ] your code [ / code ] tags (close up spaces).
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