XF 1.5 Creating thread Icons?


Is there a way for a user to be able to select an image from a predefined list of images to use as their thread icon? Think of thread prefixes but with no text and instead just an image. I tried doing this with declaring a CSS class and using a background image but then I get the "title." Here is an example from my site: http://i.imgur.com/Ofe1TY4.png I tried using thread prefixes to do this. An example of how I want to see it done: http://i.imgur.com/AxRMMWz.png
I figured out how to make it work... somewhat but the problem is that it's lined up on the thread view page but not inside the thread.

Picture examples:
http://prntscr.com/8whr13 <-- Problemed area
http://prntscr.com/8whr4u <-- Perfect!!

The inthread one is inside of the <div class="titleBar"> tag inside of an h1 tag inside of a span tag. So I have no clue how to get the css to push it down like 20 pixels to line up with the text in the first image (thread title?) I tried going to "xenforo.css" and adding a style rule for .titleBar h1 span { top: 35px; } but it did NOTHING!
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