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Creating style without edited templates. 1.0

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guiltar submitted a new resource:

Creating style without edited templates. (version 1.0) - Shows how to exclude edition of templates and template hooks.

I will show how to completely refuse from editing original templates.
As an example I've choosed the style Social. We will remove all the customized templates in it.

First we need to import the style and install Template Modification System.

Now go to customized components and see 3 custom templates.

View attachment 26391

Let's compare them with original using...

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Hey guiltar, I'm creating a Free Brogan Framework and while I was going through some of Brogan's templates I noticed that there are some cool ones I want to add but they should be disabled by default. For example, add images to navigation tabs. If I wanted to add default images to the forum, members and help navigation tabs, maybe even add some for the modifications on here that create a navigation tab, couldn't I just add them to the style (framework) or whatever, then have them disabled by default then save the modification so that in case they don't need it it will already be disabled by default when they install the style?
Great tutorial Guiltar!

All of my styles I made for my board are done with your TMS addon. This is really easy and fast way of doing styles. Before your addon I had many template edits and now everything is in TMS. So I can fastly add and remove edits and test things.


thanks benny
Here's a noob question... I'm trying to modify a .css file so my tweaks are done via TMS and not via direct template adds.

But in this case.. I need to modify two points in the same .css file. Sure I could create two different mods, but I assume the slick way is this is done with multiple replacements in the same modification... but I don't know how I would do that :)

.thread_view .threadAlerts
    border: 1px solid @primaryLighterStill;
    border-radius: 5px;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin: 10px 0;
    padding: 5px;
    line-height: 16px;
    background-image: url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/form-button-white-25px.png');
    .thread_view .threadAlerts dt
        color: @primaryLight;
        display: inline;
I need to remove the background-image line and then modify the color line under threadAlerts dt. What type of syntax would I use to make two replacements like that?

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