Creating a static copy or archive of a forum


Well-known member
Has anyone ever created a static copy of a forum to leave online as an archive?

I don't want to make the forum read-only, I want to copy it - so it is still readable without relying on the database.

It seems like it should be possible, but I'm looking for tools and the only thing that comes close is a scraper like Octoparse, but configuring those things is like trying to fly a helicopter after enjoying 9 or 10 cocktails...
Could be worth giving way back machine a go. Results can be ok depending on the complexity of the site
Has anyone ever created a static copy of a forum to leave online as an archive?

I don't want to make the forum read-only, I want to copy it - so it is still readable without relying on the database.
Apart from licensing, why?
I am also looking for similar thing, I have one old forum that is no longer being used. I just want to convert the whole forum into html static site so I can host it over github pages etc for free and avoid hosting charge.
Can anyone suggest a way to convert into static with the help of any plugin ?
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