XF 1.5 Create Thread problems


On my site using the Defiance Style, I am having issues with the box I am currently typing in (thread post/content box) loading on the first try, causing myself or others to have to refresh the page to get it to load. Sometimes happens with the quick reply on topics as well.

Is it the theme I use?
Am I missing something in my configs?
Well I have not made any changes of that sort, might be an add on or the style at this point. For now I just added some text above it telling them to refresh if it doesn't load. Will do some testing once I am home from work.
To establish a baseline, disable all add-ons and test in a completely default unedited style, with all custom JavaScript (e.g. ads) removed.

Then you can enable things one at a time to determine the cause.
Well, just changing it to the default style seems to make things load in quite a bit quicker, didn't really think that a change of the style would affect load times so much. On the Defiance style sometimes I need to reload the page 2-3 times in order to get the quick reply or create thread text boxes to load.
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