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All fake guests are always Viewing forum list, is it possible to let them browse threads?

Increase thread view count for fake users
Is this also increasing with fake guest views?
All fake guests are always Viewing forum list, is it possible to let them browse threads?

Is this also increasing with fake guest views?

They browsing some new threads. Increase day limit for this in options. Also, guest increasing thread view count
999 look like sufficient.
Are you sure you have a threads in the forums, that available to guests?

Yes, everything is available to guests. I have no fake users set up at the moment, only guests.

They are still only viewing forum list.
It uses the probability that makes guest
50% - looking theme
30% - Index and 20% - the guest list.
At small values can be distortions.
I would love to see a more configurable time option. Maybe give us the option to select the amount of users each hour of the day.
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