XF 2.2 Create custom XF syntax

It was established in your other thread that you cannot detect screen size with server-side PHP-compiled templates.

You need to use CSS media queries to hide and show elements, or use javascript to dynamically render HTML.
What do you mean by "create my own XF syntax" ?

You use the existing syntax to apply CSS based on screen width.

Some examples.

This will render all text orange below the wide breakpoint.
@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveWide)
        color: orange !important;

This will hide a specific widget below the medium breakpoint.
@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveMedium)
        display: none;

This applies orange background to screen sizes above the narrow breakpoint.
@media (min-width: (@xf-responsiveNarrow  + 1))
        background: orange;
You keep posting in the general questions and support forum.

Development related questions should be posted in the appropriate forum.

I have moved this latest thread as per the others.
You can't create new syntax. You can add new template functions ({{ my_function($foo) }}) and filters ({{ $foo|my_filter }}) by creating a listener for the template_setup event and registering them with the templater object, but this is usually a bit niche. If you just want reusable template partials or something, use macros.
I don't really know, what you exactly want to do, but maybe this addon is useful for you (you can server-side detect mobile devices):

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