Lack of interest Copyright Overlay

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Well-known member
Just wanted to see if there was interest in seeing this happen. I posted it here, because I though it should be in the core, and that way any developer can hook directly into it, and do what they need with whatever information they want.

One, this is not to deter any developer from actually removing a copyright, I feel they should completely be noticed for their work. They are appreciated, and info / a link to their site is more than warranted. After testing a few add-ons, I wanted to see just how out of control copyright's could get, so I started installing all I knew (that were free or I had paid for) that had a copy right on the forum_list (main forum page).

What started out as this:

Ended up as this:

The add-ons used were:
  • ******* Credits
  • Copy Paste Read More
  • XenPorta
  • Thread Thumbnails
  • Steam Auth and Integration
  • Dragonbyte Signatures
  • Dragonbyte Avatars
  • Watermark
I did this about a month ago, so their may be more that have them, I just haven't researched or purchased the add-ons. I also want to note, Jon (Waindigo) has allowed people to remove the copyright as well, with the add-on or CSS.


Seems to me, a single line could be added below the xenForo footer:
to this

It should only "appear" if their is any information in the copyright area. Once clicked, you get the normal overlay, with the information for the add-ons. There are actually some add-ons that have their copyright only in their add-on "area" so to speak right now, and they could actually add it in this.

Just seems their could be a more beneficial way of displaying this information that what is currently going on.

Could be turned into this:

Upvote 5
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DRE, I only rehashed this because it had been a year and a half since then, and many many things have changed in the world of xF since that was posted.
If you keep reading I said I agree with you and would contribute to the addon page. I'd even update everything I ever posted to reflect that change if I knew how to do it and other developers/themers were okay with it.
I just felt that the devs do like their copyright, and that is fully appreciated. Yes, some even offer copyright removal (but again, some don't). If they are all contained in one area, those that can afford copyright removal can still purchase that part, those that cannot still have a clean looking forum. I have never minded seeing copyrights, I feel the developers deserve as much. I just thought it would be interesting to see xF go above and beyond...

You could even have the page set up like the "Who Has Replied" overlay....


The image could simply be their site logo, or avatar.... However the author would like to take care of it....
I once was beginning to plan creating an add-on where there would be some sort of code event listener that developers could extend to add their copyright message. The way it would work is that for each page load a developer copyright message was displayed below the default XenForo copyright message. So each page load would show a different add-on copyright message.

This way, each copyright message would get seen by search engines and site users roughly an even number of times.

The benefits are that the page appearance is much cleaner, the developers still have a lot of exposure and as far as I can tell it's a win/win situation.

I don't have an immediate plan to start/finish this add-on but I think it's an excellent complement to stewart1champ's suggestion if it has the backing of the developers who wish to display their copyrights.
I have gone through the earlier thread on this topic that was locked eventually. I found that one of the cons of having such a separate page/overlay is reduced visibility as people will rarely click to see it. I thought, we can make it more interesting page so that people go to that page more often than usual.
  • Instead of a separate page of copyright we may have a separate page for detailed forum statistics. (We can be creative to name this page something else though.)
  • That statistics page can have a section for copyright stuff.
  • All the add-ons/styles/mods can be credited using rich formatting like a thumbnail, email, name, short description, URL etc. in the copyright section of that page.
  • Statistics page can show some interesting overview or insight of the board/staff/members like people who have visited in last X days, today's birthdays, members who have crossed certain message threshold, member registration anniversaries, today's new registrations, number of messages and threads posted in last X days... We can go on and on, as long as it is a special page, performing several queries will not be harmful as opposed to having all the statistics on every page on sidebar does affect the performance and most of the time doesn't make it much useful.
  • These engaging statistics will cause curious and social members to click on that very often and they will also see the credits to the components (in a very visible and stylish way as opposed to dull small text) that made our board useful and beautiful.
  • Now if that page is popular enough and has some dynamic content then search engines will probably not ignore it.
  • This should be an opt-in decision for devs if they are happy with their credit on such a place or they still want to put their copyright notice in the footer.
  • I think, over the time things may change if we have such a place that proves some positive impacts.
  • I appreciate all the developers and designers who strive to make the ecosystem more useful and pleasant. I also honor their liberty to chose a place of their choice to put credit/copyright notice on my board if they feel that this is the only way we can give them something back. (If I don't agree with their choice or EULA then I will simply not use their product.)
I think this is a pretty good idea. The only problem I have with the implementation of this suggestion at present is the display of avatars. I would rather avoid having dynamic content that I can't control myself. Of course unless the avatars aren't fetched from an external source and included in the package (although this would make them kinda pointess imo).
I think this is a pretty good idea. The only problem I have with the implementation of this suggestion at present is the display of avatars. I would rather avoid having dynamic content that I can't control myself. Of course unless the avatars aren't fetched from an external source and included in the package (although this would make them kinda pointess imo).

I wouldn't want to see the avatars myself... I just used that as a "marker" so to speak. A 64x64 logo of some sorts that could be added, or something like that. That is why some look different and aren't avatars (the first two).
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