Converting Big Site To XF - Server Specs?

Ok, here's my current plan:

• Main Server for Application & DB:
• Storage / Backup Server for serving static files via Cloudflare CDN:
• nginx via Centminmod and PHP7

I'm debating if that "main server" is plenty or not-enough for my site... maybe something more beefy like the 2620 V4? I'm also hoping that ReliableSite is going to be a good provider.

How many users online? It looks like a great setup to me.
It is enough for your site but the second server will be mostly idle. It is better to just get a better "main" server which simply has an extra 4x8TB as Raid 10.
I'm also hoping that ReliableSite is going to be a good provider.

They are generally a VERY good provider. We have had several servers in their datacenter over the years. Choopa (the datacenter) has had a handful of connectivity issues over the last year or so, and a massive DDoS attack, but they are generally pretty solid.

... well, kinda ;)

Two servers are purchased (leased) with

Main Server:
24 cores, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD for apps & DB, 2TB for attachments moving forward.
nginx / centminmod
php 7
Mariadb version 10 for mysql

Storage Server:
8 cores, 8GB RAM, 4x 8TB in RAID 10 for old attachments and backups (so, 16TB of total storage!) :eek:
nginx / centminmod

very nice.. guess you don't need more than 8GB of ram seeing as Cloudflare frontend is lightening the work load :D

16TB storage ! after you optimise your images, i doubt you be anywhere close to using that space :)
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The web server has 128GB of RAM, and the storage / image server is only running with 8GB RAM.
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