Contact Us by Waindigo [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Contact Us by Waindigo - Allows for contact us emails to be routed to different emails based on user department selection.

This add-on adds a section to the Admin Control Panel for you to set up multiple contact departments with email addresses.

When sending a message through the Contact Us form, users then get a choice of which department to send to, and the email is then routed to the appropriate department.

If a user selects 'Other', the email...

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I disabled the "other" option via the template, because I didn't seem to get any emails coming through from users using the "other" option. I double-checked the default XF contact email too. No emails come through. Weird. Anyway, all is well :)
No reason why that should happen as it just defaults to normal behaviour if 'Other' is selected. Strange indeed.
I'm not entirely sure if this is the fault of the mod, or the release candidate but ever since upgrading the emails I receive cannot be replied to easily because the "to" box comes up with my own email the board email address, even though the enquirer's email appears visually in the original.

I've enabled the xenforo email bounce features, which may have a bearing?

Any ideas @Waindigo ?
This add-on shouldn't affect that. Have you tried disabling the add-on and seeing if it still happens? Might be something to do with your email client, although might be worth reporting as a bug anyway.
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Can you maybe add to this add-on a little tweak?
Like when ppl use the "contact us" form, can the board automatically create a thread (a destination of our choice) about that contact?
This add-on shouldn't affect that. Have you tried disabling the add-on and seeing if it still happens? Might be something to do with your email client, although might be worth reporting as a bug anyway.
If you have your board email address set EXACTLY to your personal email address then this does happen in the Gmail web client. Trick is to make your board email an alias of your account.

It's a Gmail oversight, not xenforo or this mod. It's fine in almost all other clients (including Gmail android app) except Gmail web based. Odd
Good plugin! I think it'd be cool to be able to manage emails via ACP rather than an actual email server such as Gmail, Outlook, etc.
i edited the template to display the options in radio buttons instead of drop down list

but they display all unchecked, how can i make choosing one mandatory in the form?
everything is working fine, but if the user doesn't select a department from the list then the email will be sent to the default

<dl class="ctrlUnit">
    <dt><label>{xen:phrase waindigo_department_contactus}:</label></dt>
    <dd><xen:foreach loop="{$contacts}" value="{$contact}" key="{$contactId}">
            <input type="radio" name="contact_id" id="ctrl_contact_id" value="{$contactId}">&nbsp;{$contact.title}<br/><br/>
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