Connected account providers miss Xenforo?


Well-known member
A long time ago, there was an add-on to pair two forums, i cant remember clearly, maybe it was for xf1.
What I would like to have is not facebook or things like this, i want to have xenforo itself as a connected account provider.

I am in forum A come to forum B (A is listed there as allowed); a user says, ok, i come from A, then I add him as a user (if name is used as user_id) and let him inside.

Do we have something like this?
It is important?
You may have a forum for flowers, I have one for bees.
And we both think that we share our users ... so we offer them a one-click-experience.

The question is, how can we do that?

Using the API?
Click in your forum, sends: add user to my forum.
But we don't know his password. But we know his crypted password and the salt.
Maybe there is a function to say:

Password salt1 => salt2 => same Password, but other code?


link to my forum?secret_code+{username)
results in a new user with name {username} and password "test", shown in a form to login
followed by a form to change the password.

Then it must be done in a secure way. It happens billions of times every hour everywhere in the world.
You can check for user credentials validity with the XF API, meaning that you can check for the validity of a remote forum's user credentials, if you have a superuser API key for that forum.

Following that it's just a matter of creating that user on your forum.

If you don't own the remote forum though, then the owner needs to provide you with a superuser API key, which gives you a lot of administrative powers - hence he may not be willing to do so.

If you do own the remote forum, then no problem. Feel free to PM if you want this developed.
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