Configuring Another Webserver for Media



I'm looking into moving all my attachments, resource download files to a separate web server.

Currently everything is stored on the same server as the website files.
My idea is: - Website files - To store attachments on and downloadable files for resources.

Is this possible? If so, how would I do this with Internet Information Services 10 (IIS 10)?

Many thanks,
Never done that myself but that shouldn't be too hard...just use DNS to redirect media traffic to another server.
Just make sure that you configure SSL/certificates correctly so you don't get mixed content messages in a browser.
Just make sure that you configure SSL/certificates correctly so you don't get mixed content messages in a browser.
Fortunately both of those servers are configured to use SSL.
Never done that myself but that shouldn't be too hard...just use DNS to redirect media traffic to another server.
And that is the problem, I don't know how to do it so that is why I'm asking here.
The main issue is that you can't really separate the download location for attachments and resource downloads because XenForo still needs to stream the file data through the main server to maintain security. There are methods with XF2, with and without addons, where you can host the internal_data and data attachments etc. on a separate server and that can be done in different ways depending on the capabilities of your host (ie. does it offer block storage or spaces) or linking those directories with something like s3 but that is done to manage the storage only. It just won't separate traffic.

There are lots of threads here, especially in this particular Server configuration and hosting forum (eg this thread), with different methods people have used. Personally, I have all the attachments and media on a block storage which is attached to my Digital Ocean droplet. It's separate from the server and I can easily expand that SSD as needed for a very low cost without touching the server specifications itself.
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