Come close to matching VB style?

Sorry I don't have the answer to your question but I was wondering what might have happened on 08-20-2015 at 04:35 AM on your forum?
29.973 users online !!
Maybe this?
Sorry I don't have the answer to your question but I was wondering what might have happened on 08-20-2015 at 04:35 AM on your forum?
29.973 users online !!
Actually, I don't remember. There have been some pivotal dates in poker history (e.g., April 15, 2011) where we've had high numbers (well over 10,000) but I'm not sure about that day.
Similar format is possible with the side bar stuff, but then I'd focus on replicating the colors you want onto a XF style, maybe even commission a new banner so that it helps with the upgraded design & feel.
Similar format is possible with the side bar stuff, but then I'd focus on replicating the colors you want onto a XF style, maybe even commission a new banner so that it helps with the upgraded design & feel.
Where do I find documentation on "side bar stuff"? Is there a single guide to style/template design available? Are there (free?) examples to start from?
Where do I find documentation on "side bar stuff"? Is there a single guide to style/template design available? Are there (free?) examples to start from?

For the side bar stuff, XF uses Widgets:

For styling, the guide is here:

Personally I never used the guide, I felt my experience with vB and playing with XF was sufficient on learning it on my own.

The default light style is a good one to work off of and customize your own. I downloaded a free dark one like this:

Because I wanted it to be identical to the default light style, but just with a dark color scheme. Then I customized both to be identical, except 1 was light, and 1 was dark, and it saved me most of the trouble of recoloring a light one to dark manually.

If that doesn't work for you, you can of course just browse to see what fancy styles that the community offers:

You can filter by Paid or Free.
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