Collapsible User Extras

Collapsible User Extras

Steve F

Well-known member
Steve F submitted a new resource:

User Extras Collapse - Adds the ability to collapse (hide) extra user info in messages by default

This template mod will hide the extra user info in messages by default. Stats can be shown by simply clicking the expand arrow.

Template post_macros

<xf:macro template="message_macros" name="user_info" arg-user="{$post.User}" arg-fallbackName="{$post.username}" arg-dateHtml="{$dateHtml}" arg-linkHtml="{$linkHtml}" />

Add below:
<span id="collapse-{$post.post_id}" class="collapseTrigger collapseTrigger--block" data-xf-click="toggle"...

Read more about this resource...
@Steve F How can possible that collapse function work only on mobile ? Actually I want to show message user info extras on mobile with collapse function.
Test this...
message-extra css is calling already as display:none in xenforo default.
So should i remove it first before this implement?

Actually, i want to see message-extra on desktop view (not collapsible) but on mobile, i want to show them as collapsible
User extras are hidden by default in XF on smaller screens as there just isn't enough room to display the info in a good way. What @Masetrix posted above is making it so the trigger is shown.
User extras are hidden by default in XF on smaller screens as there just isn't enough room to display the info in a good way. What @Masetrix posted above is making it so the trigger is shown.
No it doesn't work i though because that user info extras completely hidden on mobile already by default.
So, collapsible function dummy on mobile.
using this mod caused the user title to float left & the icon isn't quite showing up where it should...been playing with the css but still can't quite shove it down to where it shows in Steve's example...


the arrow still shows up on mobile even though it doesn't work. responsiveNarrow is set to 480px...
Hi thanks for sharing but I noticed that the collapsible user extras does not work in conversations.
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