Is there any way or any addon that allows a user to collapse a Widget?
Not all users want or require various widgets on a home page, is there any way that we can add code or some addon that allows individual users to collapse these?
The W3Schools online code editor allows you to edit code and view the result in your browser
For most widgets, the button could be an "^" character in the Title of the widget. If you wanted to be elegant, you could change the button to "v" when the widget is collapsed.
It is not all that difficult. I have not programmed much for a very long time, but I found enough information on hiding divs to let me do it. I modified my copy of the widget template which I had created two instances for to be able to display two different groups of online visitors.
The basic idea is to wrap a div around the material you want to switch on and off with a button included in the part that remains as described in the very brief w3schools tutorial. If you want to know more about what I did , you can read Will's thread where I will describe it more fully.(mostly because, I would like him to do it right from the software quality point of view.)