Coding Help: Insert 'users online' code and 'date' on INTEL tab...


Active member
Basically I have an INTEL page (actually it's the Help tab) and in the 'area where you would normally place sub-links', I would like to place a date code on the left-side and the members and visitors online code on the right. BTW: The online users returns a zero value and this is the code I was trying to use:
<div class="footnote">
        {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}

As for the date (to be on the left-side), I was using this code:
<dd>{xen:datetime $datetime, 'absolute'}</dd></dl>

So 'again' I'm trying to have these two features into the blank area "under" the INTEL tab, not where I have them now. Please help, I'm sure it's something simple but I am still learning XenForo ;-)

Here is my site for Reference:
For the date you can use this:

{xen:datetime $serverTime, 'absolute'}

But for the online users you need an addon. That information is not available to the navbar.
Thanks, but I 'also' wanted instructions on 'how to place them where I need the codes'. I want to be able to place them in the area just under the INTEL tab, the date to the left and the online users to the right...
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