XF 2.2 Clean install of files, keeping data...


Active member
I've been having a malware issue on my site. I'm also using WordPress. I've done a complete gutting of my WordPress files, deleting everything and reinstalling. Worked great.

I decided to do the same with my Xenforo installation. Not working so great.
Version 2.2

I saved my config.php file, but in reconnecting Xenforo to the database, the only option I'm getting is to overwrite the data tables. config.php is uploaded to the src folder. Is there not a way to just have fresh files access the pre-existing data?

(I have exported my xf_ data tables in anticipation of suggestions made here in reply.)
Could I run this to a different database, then alter a file that I'm not currently aware of.

I figured saving and uploading config.php would be enough to connect to my data.

EDIT: I'm not getting any errors to the screen
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Searching around for anyone attempting what I have done:

I didn't have /internal-data/install-lock.php. I added it, and now it says I have already installed Xenforo, but as I navigate back to my forum, it's just a white screen.
I guess had to go through 'upgrade' and rebuild the database. It worked with one exception. It's not linking up to the attachments.
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Funny how the brain works. It was when I woke up this morning, wondering if and how I repair the link to the attachments that I remembered, the attachments were all deleted in the file purge.


So for anyone going through what I did, the key is make sure
  • you have a file in path to XF/internal-data/install-lock.php
  • rebuild your database by running path to XF/install.php
    • It will treat it like an upgrade
If other things truly matter, like attachments/images/avatars, make sure you move those files before the file purge then move them back after.
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