XF 2.1 Clean database from removed members (vBulletin)


Well-known member
The database contains some 184.000 members, but real there are only almost 79.000 members.

I think this situation stems from the past when the forum used vBulletin.

In 2012 something happened while the upgrade from vBulletin 3.8 to 4.0 took place and the problem was the database.
They removed databasesettings and after that the upgrade took place.

A year later the same people removed some 60.000 members.
In the same year the then owner migrated from a Dutch host to a host in England.
In al there were seven vBullletin sites that migrated to Engeland.
But again there were problems, now some 30.000 old discussions were removed, before the migration was a succes.

In 2017 the forum had it´s third owner and I moved the forum back to the Dutch host Antagonist and then imported vBulletin in XenForo 1.5.11
Already then I had thoughts about the 184.000 members who were migrated.

Now I think it is a leftover from the strange actions that took place in vBulletin.

My question now is how to clean the database form excessive members?
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