XF 2.2 Changing "Your Suggestions" Tab Label To "Your Threads" or "Your Posts"

We've been making tweaks to our (newish) forum here and there.

One thing we haven't been able to figure out yet is how to change the labels "Latest updates", "Popular", "Newest", "Your suggestions", and, "Your posts" on the tabs.

See here, for instance:

Screenshot from 2021-06-26 21-00-56.webp

I suspect this is relatively easy to do, once you know where to look. Just haven't been able to find it. Tried various searches on this community, and elsewhere, with no luck.
They're all phrases: /admin.php?languages/english.1/phrases .
Thank you again Brogan. That did the trick.

For anyone else looking at this in the future, I went to Admin -> Phrases -> your_suggestions, changed the "Phrase text" from "Your suggestions" to "Your threads".

Also did some reading here, here, and here, after Brogan's post clarified what I ought to be looking for.
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