XF 1.3 Changing Specific node icon colors


Active member
If I wanted to change the color of a specific forum icon color, how color and not affect the rest, how could I go about doing this?
Okay, thanks!

I have another question. I'm trying to change the color of some sub-nodes also. But the code I have now only seems to work with sub-nodes, just nodes on top level.

this is what i have

.node .node_43 .unread .nodeText .nodeTitle a
color: #4DEB17 !important;

Is there another class I need to add for sub-forums node text and icons?
I tried adding the .level_2 class to my css, it still didn't work

.node .node_44 .unread .level_2 .nodeText .nodeTitle a
color: #53a4ff !important;
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