i saw many post about this but no one seems to be up to date... Conditional statements from @Brogan are for XF 1, but with a little customization they are ok.
But in page CONTAINER how can i place it, i tried without succes...
the action take place here
Where to place this ?
I tried many places but i'm still stuck !
Thanks !
i saw many post about this but no one seems to be up to date... Conditional statements from @Brogan are for XF 1, but with a little customization they are ok.
But in page CONTAINER how can i place it, i tried without succes...
the action take place here
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="p-title {{ $noH1 ? 'p-title--noH1' : '' }}">
<xf:if is="!$noH1">
<h1 class="p-title-value">{$h1}</h1>
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="p-title-pageAction"><xf:contentcheck><xf:pageaction /></xf:contentcheck></div>
Where to place this ?
<xf:if is="{$contentTemplate} == 'forum_list'">
This content will show on the forum_list template
<xf:else />
Thanks !
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