Change these phrases and reduce spam


Active member
As you guys already know spammers harvest URLs using search engine using footprints. Each software will leave its own footprint and reducing our softwares footprint can reduce spam eventually.

Prevention is better than cure.

I will add more phrases as and when I find them. See the attached file


Your alteration of the copyright is in breach of the license agreement if branding free hasn't been purchased.
Your alteration of the copyright is in breach of the license agreement if branding free hasn't been purchased.

He didn't alter it -- he simply listed what he calls "spam phrases" that presumably attract spammers like flies to garbage.

Thinking aloud: What if the copyright text were changed to an image (uniquely named for each site) that looks the same to the viewer but has no Google-able text? Alas, too late for me since spammies already have my number. :(
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