XF 2.1 Change Staff Member banner position


Hello everyone

Is it possible to change a position of the Staff Member banner with other banners? For example, to swap StaffMember and Administrative and StaffMember and Cool respectively, in the pictures below.

I have tried several templates modifications, but haven't succeed. I tried to change message_macros , and as I understood here is the line that is responsible for the banners:
<xf:userbanners user="$user" tag="div" class="message-userBanner" itemprop="jobTitle" />

Maybe I can change it in some way?

Thank you in advance for any help!
It would require an add-on as the order is determined in the templater. If enabling banner stacking is an option, you might be able to work around it by creating an additional user group (and banner) for staff members.
It would require an add-on as the order is determined in the templater. If enabling banner stacking is an option, you might be able to work around it by creating an additional user group (and banner) for staff members.
Thank you for the answer, I think I will do as you said (creating additional user group).
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