Check Free and Premium cXF DIY Customizations on How to change node icon colour to something like that? This is a DIY step-by-step tutorial. Before changing the code let's get prepared: To change the category block header...
So, something like this should work for read nodes: node--idX.node--forum.node--read .node-icon i:before
There are way too many nodes to do this so I wanted to just change the forum nodes, but the way I am doing it (.node-icon i:before) is changing all of them besides the new search nodes.
If search nodes don't change... why do questions/suggestions/articles?
There are way too many nodes to do this so I wanted to just change the forum nodes, but the way I am doing it (.node-icon i:before) is changing all of them besides the new search nodes.
I just reverted back to the classic bubbles, for now, temporarily solving the problem. That's a lot of code to add for all those nodes... Unless you can make an array of some sort? id1,id2,id3,id4,...?