Change "message count color"?

Rho Delta

Well-known member
UNC   OldRow.webp

I want the message count color to match the part that has the username and title. I figured out how to do it using the color slider thing but it effects colors of other stuff when I do that. I just want it to affect this area ONLY.
You could edit the template, give it an extra custom class.
And set that custom class to a colour?

Normal code: class="xenforosclass"
Your code: class="xenforosclass myclasshere"

And in extra.css set .myclasshere { color: green }
Add to EXTRA.css:
.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo dt {
color: red;

Change the colour to suit.

Oh wait, you mean the background?
.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo {
background-color: @primaryLighterStill !important;
For the first one, it will change all extra info text headings, but he only has one by the look of it.

For the second one, the lighter background colour will change to the darker colour above.
Change it to this:
.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo {
background-color: @primaryLighterStill !important;
padding-top: 0 !important;

If you want even less spacing, add this:
.messageUserBlock h3.userText {
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
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