Well-known member
OK, so I've been trying to install ES on a VPS for @LuvMeSumZen
There was already a version of Java installed on there which was being used by Tomcat (no idea what this was installed, so I've re-built apache and removed it).
I've attached the notes I was making as I can't post more than 10,000 characters in the post.
I enabled more logging for the wrapper, and this is the outcome:
This is the full error from the wrapper log
However, I can start ES without using the wrapper
Anyone seen this before?
There was already a version of Java installed on there which was being used by Tomcat (no idea what this was installed, so I've re-built apache and removed it).
root@kevjay2 [~]# ps -ef | grep java
root 3496 1 0 Jan18 ? 00:00:00 jsvc.exec -user tomcat -cp ./bootstrap.jar -Djava.endorsed.dirs=../common/endorsed -outfile ../logs/catalina.out -errfile ../logs/catalina.err -verbose org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
tomcat 3505 3496 0 Jan18 ? 00:00:48 jsvc.exec -user tomcat -cp ./bootstrap.jar -Djava.endorsed.dirs=../common/endorsed -outfile ../logs/catalina.out -errfile ../logs/catalina.err -verbose org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
root@kevjay2 [~]# rpm -ivh jre-7u51-linux-x64.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
file /etc/init.d/jexec from install of jre-1.7.0_51-fcs.x86_64 conflicts with file from package jdk-1.6.0_21-ea.x86_64
I've attached the notes I was making as I can't post more than 10,000 characters in the post.
I enabled more logging for the wrapper, and this is the outcome:
This is the full error from the wrapper log
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[0] : /usr/java/jre1.7.0_51/bin/java
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[1] : -Delasticsearch-service
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[2] : -Des.path.home=/root/elasticsearch
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[3] : -Xss256k
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[4] : -XX:+UseParNewGC
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[5] : -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[6] : -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[7] : -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[8] : -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[9] : -Djava.awt.headless=true
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[10] : -Xms128m
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[11] : -Xmx128m
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[12] : -Djava.library.path=/root/elasticsearch/bin/service/lib
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[13] : -classpath
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[14] : /root/elasticsearch/bin/service/lib/wrapper.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/elasticsearch-0.90.9.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/asm-4.1.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/asm-commons-4.1.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/elasticsearch-0.90.9.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/jna-3.3.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/jts-1.12.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-analyzers-common-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-codecs-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-core-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-expressions-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-grouping-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-highlighter-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-join-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-memory-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-misc-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-queries-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-queryparser-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-sandbox-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-spatial-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/lucene-suggest-4.6.0.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/spatial4j-0.3.jar:/root/elasticsearch/lib/sigar/sigar-1.6.4.jar
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[15] : -Dwrapper.key=1Ocz_NnbzZIO-yPW
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[16] : -Dwrapper.port=32000
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[17] : -Dwrapper.jvm.port.min=31000
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[18] : -Dwrapper.jvm.port.max=31999
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[19] : -Dwrapper.disable_console_input=TRUE
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[20] :
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[21] : -Dwrapper.version=3.5.14
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[22] : -Dwrapper.native_library=wrapper
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[23] : -Dwrapper.service=TRUE
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[24] : -Dwrapper.cpu.timeout=10
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[25] : -Dwrapper.jvmid=5
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[26] : org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp
INFO | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Command[27] : org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.ElasticsearchF
STATUS | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:26:58 | Launching a JVM...
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | WrapperSimpleApp Error: Unable to locate the class org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.ElasticsearchF : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.ElasticsearchF
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 |
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | WrapperSimpleApp Usage:
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | java org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp {app_class{/app_method}} [app_arguments]
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 |
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | Where:
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | app_class: The fully qualified class name of the application to run.
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | app_arguments: The arguments that would normally be passed to the
INFO | jvm 5 | 2014/02/11 04:26:59 | application.
ERROR | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:27:01 | JVM exited while loading the application.
FATAL | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:27:01 | There were 5 failed launches in a row, each lasting less than 300 seconds. Giving up.
FATAL | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:27:01 | There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs.
STATUS | wrapper | 2014/02/11 04:27:01 | <-- Wrapper Stopped
However, I can start ES without using the wrapper
root@kevjay2 [~/elasticsearch]# bin/elasticsearch -f
[2014-02-11 04:28:23,339][INFO ][node ] [Parks, Arthur] version[0.90.9], pid[22623], build[a968646/2013-12-23T10:35:28Z]
[2014-02-11 04:28:23,341][INFO ][node ] [Parks, Arthur] initializing ...
[2014-02-11 04:28:23,360][INFO ][plugins ] [Parks, Arthur] loaded [], sites []
root@kevjay2 [~/elasticsearch]# bin/elasticsearch -f
[2014-02-11 04:28:28,636][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] version[0.90.9], pid[22676], build[a968646/2013-12-23T10:35:28Z]
[2014-02-11 04:28:28,637][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] initializing ...
[2014-02-11 04:28:28,653][INFO ][plugins ] [Deadpool] loaded [], sites []
[2014-02-11 04:28:39,203][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] initialized
[2014-02-11 04:28:39,205][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] starting ...
[2014-02-11 04:28:39,798][INFO ][transport ] [Deadpool] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2014-02-11 04:28:40,469][WARN ][] [Deadpool] failed to send multicast ping request: IOException[Operation not permitted]
[2014-02-11 04:28:41,992][WARN ][] [Deadpool] failed to send multicast ping request: IOException[Operation not permitted]
[2014-02-11 04:28:43,545][INFO ][cluster.service ] [Deadpool] new_master [Deadpool][8O1skRw0TkaQRNzzEf9gxA][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
[2014-02-11 04:28:43,721][INFO ][discovery ] [Deadpool] kevjay/8O1skRw0TkaQRNzzEf9gxA
[2014-02-11 04:28:43,968][INFO ][http ] [Deadpool] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2014-02-11 04:28:43,975][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] started
[2014-02-11 04:28:44,288][INFO ][gateway ] [Deadpool] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
[2014-02-11 04:31:15,642][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] stopping ...
[2014-02-11 04:31:16,026][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] stopped
[2014-02-11 04:31:16,027][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] closing ...
[2014-02-11 04:31:16,248][INFO ][node ] [Deadpool] closed
Anyone seen this before?