I know, offtopic, but if someone wants to advertise on my website, they do it because they like the site. If that includes we allow 18+ people to swear once in a while .. then they should be ok with that as well. The forum rules are clear, and the members should stay within them. I think advertisers should realise this and accept that. Otherwise they're simply not the type of advertisers I would want for my website. I understand that money talks, and it pays the bills. But .. Anyway, in your situation I understand you have members who bypass the censor and the forum has anti swearing rules. In that case advertisers should also understand this is a thing that happens on the Internet and moderators can't be on top of things 24/7.
ANYWAY< on topic > I think a log file of user x has triggered censor filter y times in z posts, .. would certainly help with forum management. Plus, this could mean auto warnings (lowering moderator involvement), and with enough warnings they can get temp bans or their posts auto moderated. I only see benefits to be honest.