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I have an addon that will allow those with permission to view censored words, https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ozzmodz-censor-permissions.9660/
It uses the Formatter.php file to adjust it. It works as it should. However, I'd like to add it for a single node only. I have an option set up for my addon using PHP callback with
In my formatter file, how would I make it so it only applies in the selected node?
It uses the Formatter.php file to adjust it. It works as it should. However, I'd like to add it for a single node only. I have an option set up for my addon using PHP callback with
which allows you to select one forum, the option is called ozzmodz_words_monitor_node
In my formatter file, how would I make it so it only applies in the selected node?
namespace OzzModz\CensorPerms\XF\Str;
use XF\Template\Templater;
class Formatter extends XFCP_Formatter
public function censorText($string, $censorChar = null)
// Get Parent
$parent = parent::censorText($string, $censorChar = null);
// Get Visitor
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
if ($visitor->hasPermission('ozzmodzCensorPerms', 'view'))
// Show Censored Words
return $string;
// Return To Parent
return $parent;