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Category images for Forum listing


Well-known member
Tracy Perry submitted a new resource:

Category images for Forum listing (version 1.0) - List images on your category & sub-category bars

Thanks to some work by Shelley (who had posted a resource to allow secondary images for your forum list) and Brogan (who had posted how to place images backgrounds on your Categories), I was able to ascertain how to allow images for any Category->Sub-category on your forum. My forum structure consists of Category->Sub-Category->forum for several of the areas. I wanted to be able to display images on all sections. Presented here is the process to do the Categories.

This section of code will...

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Would be cool if it replaced the original node icons instead of showing the original left and custom right
Would be cool if it replaced the original node icons instead of showing the original left and custom right

You can easily do that... I'm in the process of modifying the icons that show (the BMW, HD, Honda, etc) to make a shadow version and a normal version. Then I will be able to place CSS code for each node that will replace the default ones. This is on my back-burner right now as I am in the process of learning how to set up a VPS so that I can move my site from HostGator shared hosting to a VPS at Ram Node.
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