XF 2.2 Captions under images possible?


Well-known member

is there any way to have captions enabled for images? Maybe by using an addon or something?

you can do with bbcode.....try something like this as "simple replacement" then tweak the style a bit perhaps......would be nice if it was more user automatic, but thats what we are working with atm...

<div id=icap style="background-color:  #F9F9F9;border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;padding: 3px;padding-bottom: 30px;color:#3e3e3e;font: 12px/1.4em Arial,  sans-serif;margin: 0.5em 0pt 0.5em 0.8em;width:452px;">
<a href="{option}"><img src="{option}" style="vertical-align:middle;margin-bottom:3px;width:450px;height:350px;">
<div style="text-align:center;">{text}</div>

Thanks! This is actually very close to the example. Yeah, sad, that it is not included by default.

Did you test your solution? It creates 2 squares actually. I think it needs a small fix but almost perfect.
i didnt mean about it not being default, i just wish it had a popup prompt like xons bbcodes...

so ppl can just enter text, enter image url....choose if the text is a link etc....as of now you have to explain they have to enter the option manually and where to put the text... its not really good enough these days lol..

as for the code tho yeah we were using that since vb days...didnt see any issues with it beside lacking the prompt, not sure exactly what you mean but im sure its possible an improve somewhere
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i didnt mean about it not being default, i just wish it had a popup prompt like xons bbcodes...
Ah, I see. Does his bbcodes addon have that probably?

so ppl can just enter text, enter image url....choose if the text is a link etc....as of now you have to explain they have to enter the option manually and where to put the text... its not really good enough these days lol..
Yeah, that would be great to have a prompt actually. Normal ppl get confused when they have to use bbcodes manually as you say.

as for the code tho yeah we were using that since vb days...didnt see any issues with it beside lacking the prompt, not sure exactly what you mean but im sure its possible an improve somewhere
Well, it looks like this when I do:
[caption]<image here>
This is my title[/caption]

hmm syntax perhaps..

its should be like [caption=imageurl]this is my title[/caption]

...about the prompt tho, we just need a template :D
you should go ask him lol....i still have a few bbcodes needing option prompts if i only knew how to repurpose one...
i believe a couple of xenforo ones do have prompts too? anyway yeah i never learned how to add that just yet....let me know if you do pls ;)
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