Can someone explain this in a bit more detail?

You can always ask me :D

Anyway, the idea is adding a event listener for init_dependencies, something like this:

XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::$helpers['bamastangguy_ucwords'] = 'ucwords'

Then in the template, just use it like this:

{xen:helper BamaStangGuy_ucwords, $tag.tag_text}

  • The lowercase in $helpers['bamastangguy_ucwords'] is required
  • The mixedcase in {xen:helper} is not required, you can use bamastangguy_ucwords or bAmAsTaNgGuY_uCwOrDs or anything in between.
  • This code is not tested :D
You can always ask me :D

Anyway, the idea is adding a event listener for init_dependencies, something like this:

XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::$helpers['bamastangguy_ucwords'] = 'ucwords'

Then in the template, just use it like this:

{xen:helper BamaStangGuy_ucwords, $tag.tag_text}

  • The lowercase in $helpers['bamastangguy_ucwords'] is required
  • The mixedcase in {xen:helper} is not required, you can use bamastangguy_ucwords or bAmAsTaNgGuY_uCwOrDs or anything in between.
  • This code is not tested :D

Thanks, I didn't want to bug you too much. You've been very helpful.
Bump, I never got around to looking too much into this. With the latest updates I'd like to take a stab at it again (i hacked my copy on one site a lot and would rather do it right with the update). Anyone with more knowledge than me care to take a stab at making this happen? Where would I actually put this code?
Well I took a shot at this and still can't get it to ucwords the title tag.


//Our class helper (we can put any helpers in here we want)
class UcWords_Helpers
    public static function ucWords($string)
        //We only return the argument, dont do nothing.
        return $string;

//Our class name
class UcWords_Listener
    public static function init(XenForo_Dependencies_Abstract $dependencies, array $data)
        //Get the static variable $helperCallbacks and add a new item in the array.
        XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::$helperCallbacks += array(
            'ucwords' => array('UcWords_Helpers', 'ucWords')

Event Listener:
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