Can Licensed Users Be Granted the Ability to Test 2.3 Beta In The Demo?

⭐ Alex ⭐

Well-known member
Would be nice if we can quickly fire up a 2.3 beta instance using the demo feature XF has. Test things very quickly.
hehe. i have mentioned it a few times. having access to 2.3 beta would be so useful. right now i see bugs that i can replicate on my regular and test install but things get messy when others cannot replicate this. demo would come so handy to just test things at your own end.
The online demo is for potential new customers to trial the current stable release.

We don't have any plans to run unreleased versions on it.
The online demo is for potential new customers to trial the current stable release.

We don't have any plans to run unreleased versions on it.
That’s a shame. Because i'm thinking if the Demo versions are for people to trial then they'd be doing their testing too.
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