XF 1.4 Can I switch off my info in top RHS - messages, likes, points, avatar?


Well-known member
I don't know what this bit is called which is probably hampering me trying to find a setting for it not to show. I'm trying to free up space in the side bar & this can go.


Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Styles & Templates -> Templates -> sidebar_visitor_panel

Remove everything and add the following if you want to keep the "sign up / log in" button for guests :
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id}">

<div class="section loginButton">       
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton"><a href="{xen:link login}" class="inner">{xen:if $xenOptions.registrationSetup.enabled, {xen:phrase sign_up_now}, {xen:phrase log_in}}</a></label>


<xen:include template="ad_sidebar_below_visitor_panel" />

The red highlighted text is an include so you can easily insert ads below the "sign up / log" in button. Up to you to keep it or remove it.
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