XF 2.1 Can I disable alerts for trophies from being generated while the task to rebuild trophy counts run?


Well-known member
I'm working with an aged site that has been around for a while with lots of users who have a years of activity. I'm working on adding trophies but, they're a finicky bunch, and do not like getting slammed with a bunch of alerts.

Can I run the rebuild trophy counts task but disable it from generating any alerts?
About the only way I could think of achieving it would be run a query to disable alerts and push notifications for a new trophy for all members who currently have them enabled, then run another one to enable them again.
About the only way I could think of achieving it would be run a query to disable alerts and push notifications for a new trophy for all members who currently have them enabled, then run another one to enable them again.
I was thinking along those lines but maybe I missed an item.... after running the query to disable the alerts for everybody, how would I be able to identify which members should have the alerts turned back on? 🤔
  1. Disable your board (to make sure data doesn't get out of sync)
  2. Export the specific database table (can't remember which one)
  3. Disable alerts for all on the table
  4. Create your trophies and run the cron
  5. Truncate and reimport the table
That's how I'd do it
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