callback MYSQL row data


Hello, I'm trying to recreate this using PHP Callbacks and Templates. However, I'm unclear how to echo the data within the template.
My Callback
class bright_sa_sa
    public static function serverteam(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract $response)
    if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
    $jbstaff = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM sb_admins WHERE user LIKE '%Jail%' ORDER BY srv_group DESC");
    $ttstaff = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM sb_admins WHERE user LIKE '%TTT%' ORDER BY srv_group DESC");
    $ssstaff = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM sb_admins WHERE user LIKE '%Surf%' ORDER BY srv_group DESC");
        while($jbsrow = mysqli_fetch_array($jbstaff))
            $response->params['jb'] = '<div class="steamprofile" id="' . $jbsrow['srv_group'] . '" title="' . $jbsrow['authid'] . '"></div>';
        while($ttsrow = mysqli_fetch_array($ttstaff))
            $response->params['ttt'] = '<div class="steamprofile" id="' . $ttsrow['srv_group'] . '" title="' . $ttsrow['authid'] . '"></div>';
        while($sssrow = mysqli_fetch_array($ssstaff))
            $response->params['surf'] = '<div class="steamprofile" id="' . $sssrow['srv_group'] . '" title="' . $sssrow['authid'] . '"></div>';
$response->templateName = 'bright_serverteam';

<script src="XXXXXXX"></script>
<xen:require css="bright_serverteam.css" />
<div style="width: 250px">
    <div id="global">
        <center><span style="font-weight: 900; font-size: 26px">Global Admins</span></center>
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Founder" title="STEAM_0:0:40515805"></div><!--Alvarez-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Founder" title="MrBrightside1"></div><!--Bright-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Founder" title="STEAM_0:0:29656095"></div><!--Hero-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Founder" title="STEAM_0:1:31551356"></div><!--K0Killer-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Captain" title="STEAM_0:1:44639895"></div><!--Circe-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Captain" title="STEAM_0:1:33846347"></div><!--Forgot-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Captain" title="STEAM_0:0:1241826"></div><!--Lemonz-->
        <div class="steamprofile" id="Captain" title="STEAM_0:0:51633105"></div><!--Xearta-->
    <hr />
    <select id="serverlist">
        <option value="jb">Jailbreak</option>
        <option value="mg">Mini Games</option>
        <option value="ttt">TTT</option>
        <option value="ss">Skill Surf</option>
        <option value="sel" selected>Select A Server</option>
    <br />
    <div id="jb">
            <xen:foreach loop="$jb" value="$jbadmins">

    <div id="ttt">
            <xen:foreach loop="$ttt" value="$tttadmins">
    <div id="surf">
            <xen:foreach loop="$surf" value="$surfadmins">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("#ttt, #jb, #surf, #minigames").css("display", "none");

            if($('#serverlist').val() == 'jb'){
                $('#ttt, #surf, #minigames').slideUp(500);
            else if($('#serverlist').val() == 'ttt'){
                $('#jb, #surf, #minigames').slideUp(500);
            else if($('#serverlist').val() == 'ss'){
                $('#jb, #ttt, #minigames').slideUp(500);
            else if($('#serverlist').val() == 'mg'){
                $('#jb, #ttt, #surf').slideUp(500);
            else if($('#serverlist').val() == 'sel'){
                $('#jb, #ttt, #surf, #minigames').slideUp(500);
#Founder  {
    max-width: 230px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: rgba(255,132,0,.7); }

#Captain  {
    max-width: 230px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: rgba(255,215,0,.7); }

#Manager  {
    max-width: 230px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: rgba(168,0,255,.7); }

#Agent  {
    max-width: 230px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: rgba(0,216,255,.7); }
  1. You are overriding the content of your params every time you run through your while-loops.
    $response->params['jb'] =
    Change the above to
    $response->params['jb'][] =
    Proceed likewise for the other occurences
  • When running through a loop in a XenForo Template, you have to actually do something with the content in order to display it, or you'll just create additional runtime for no benefit.
    <xen:foreach loop="$ttt" value="$tttadmins">
    Change the above to
    <xen:foreach loop="$ttt" value="$tttadmins">
                {xen:raw $tttadmins}
    Proceed likewise for the other occurences
  • You probably want to change from a <div> to a <li> in order for your OL to properly list them.
  • I recommend storing just the info of each member into the array and do the HTML-Generation inside the template, e.g. change the first code snippet to
    $response->params['jb'][] = array('group' => $jbsrow['srv_group'], 'id' => $jbsrow['authid']);
    and the loop in the template to
    <xen:foreach loop="$jb" value="$jbadmin">
                <li><div class="steamprofile" id="{$}" title="{$}"></div></li>
PS.: I'm lazy, so there might be some typos in the code, don't just copy/paste it and expect it to work. :p
Do I need to do anything special to make with a widget?
I've tried '[Advance] HTML & Template' and linking the template however it doesn't work. when I add the callback nothing shows and I get this error "The requested page could not be found."
When I try to do a '[Advance] PHP Callback I get this error
An exception occurred: Argument 1 passed to bright_sa_sa::serverteam() must be an instance of XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract, array given in /home/mantis/www-data/ on line 4

[*]XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in bright/sa/sa.php at line 4
[*]call_user_func() in WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer/Callback.php at line 53
[*]WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Callback->_render() in WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php at line 683
[*]WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer->render() in WidgetFramework/Core.php at line 462
[*]WidgetFramework_Core->renderWidget() in WidgetFramework/Core.php at line 425
[*]WidgetFramework_Core->renderWidgets() in WidgetFramework/Core.php at line 397
[*]WidgetFramework_Core->_renderWidgetsFor() in WidgetFramework/Core.php at line 280
[*]WidgetFramework_Core->renderWidgetsFor() in WidgetFramework/Listener.php at line 107
[*]call_user_func_array() in XenForo/CodeEvent.php at line 58
[*]XenForo_CodeEvent::fire() in XenForo/Template/Abstract.php at line 195
[*]XenForo_Template_Abstract->render() in XenForo/Template/Public.php at line 110
[*]XenForo_Template_Public->render() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php at line 123
[*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic->renderContainer() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 637
[*]XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 158
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/mantis/www-data/ at line 13
It does work 100% if I make a page and just link the php callback
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